6 Foods To Stimulate Your Sexual Energy

Do you know that what you eat can really improve your sex life? Nutrition is a lot more fun when we approach it in a fun way - and sometimes even in a way that makes us feel sexier, not just healthy.

Here are six foods that are not only easy to integrate into your diet but will also boost your libido, while promoting your health.

1. Acai berries

This super fruit with multiple health benefits is actually a palm fruit with a single seed that grows in the plains irrigated by the Amazon River.

The acai berry increases blood circulation in the body, which helps boost sexual desire, especially in men! Add acai berry to juices, smoothies, salads, yogurts, desserts. The possibilities are limitless. Choose preferably a freeze-dried acai berry, non-organic GMO.

2. Almonds

Almonds are more powerful than you think. Research have shown that that men who follow diets high in monounsaturated fats (found in almonds ) have the highest levels of testosterone. Almonds also contain the amino acid L-arginine, which helps improve erections.

Almonds are also an excellent source of vitamin E, B and high quality protein. They also provide our bodies with trace elements such as selenium and zinc, which are essential for sexual and reproductive health. Their seductive properties are also found in the olfactory domain: who does not like the smell of almonds?

3. Greens, Greens, Greens

Eat green vegetables to improve your libido and get a ton of other health benefits!

Green tea, green leafy vegetables, avocados, celery and all green fruits or vegetables are essential foods to be consumed daily without moderation to ensure optimal energy intake, with all the vitamins and minerals you have need for your sexual organs and for all the rest of your body. Try the Green Smoothie for breakfast or afternoon tea.

4. Maca

Maca is the natural Viagra of Mother Nature. Maca is a plant that comes from the highlands of the Peruvian Andes, it is rich in B vitamins, calcium and amino acids. It has the ability to increase endurance, reduce fatigue and improve male and female libido. It gives a boost to the sexual desire of the menopausal woman.

5. Seafood

Seafood is composed mainly of salt water. They purify the body. Because of their chemical composition very close to that of human plasma, they have the capacity to balance the body at the cellular level. They also help to turn toxic metals to the body into salts to be eliminated. They are very rich in vitamins and minerals, complex carbohydrates and protein. Moreover, they are very favorable for the sexual organs. It is also recommended to incorporate nori and wakame algae into your daily diet.

6. Strawberries

Strawberries are full of antioxidants that stimulate blood circulation in the sexual organs, among others. Strawberries contain high levels of zinc, a superstar nutrient that boosts women's sexuality.

What you eat may not be able to supply your body with the nutrients it needs.

Hence, supplements are there to encourage a little jump in your stride where appropriate. If you want to perform better, try VigRX Plus, which is clinically proven to increase overall sexual satisfaction, and even boost sexual desire by 47%.